Let's show SEO who's boss!

That's right. It's you.

SEO Services
for Creatives

Trust the process

SEO is a long-term marketing strategy

Achieving real, lasting success with Google isn't going to happen overnight. Having great SEO is something that takes dedication and time. What it can do for you is incredible. Are you up for the challenge?  

I'm ready to improve my seo!

Who is SEO for? How will it help me?


get more online traffic and more eyeballs on your business

more income

higher visibility leads to an increase in inquiries and potential sales

more growth

boost your sales, earn more income, and see finally see real growth

Christy has been featured in

Why I love it

what SEO can do

have a consistent and reliable source of leads coming into your business that

Say goodbye to...

DOESN'T require you to constantly post on social media platforms, begging for mercy from the algorithm fairies so that people actually see your posts

DOESN'T require you to learn video creation techniques, figure out complicated app features, or practice trendy dance routines

DOESN'T require you to pay for ads, boost your posts, or waste money advertising yourself on directory websites where your listing gets buried

Say hello to...

DOES allow you to create content as infrequently as once per month that has the same expectations every time (no big algorithm changes to worry about here)

DOES allow you to stick to simpler forms of content creation, only learn video if you actually want to, and you can stay in your comfy clothes

DOES allow you to bring in leads for free, invest your money into other parts of your business, and gain back your time through streamlined content creation

SEO help tailored to you

Meeting you where you are with SEO

Whether you're a total beginner or a seasoned pro, I've got a way for you to get started TODAY... taking the first step that best suits you and what you need.

for the

D.I.Y. biz owner



SEO course

A self-paced online course taking you through all the basic foundations of SEO to learn & apply on your own.

Enroll Now

for the

Independent pro




Laser-focused custom reviews of your website's technical SEO setup and its content quality & strategy.

reserve now

for the

Committed c.e.o.




Course Access + Detailed Audits + 1:1 Coaching

An in-depth guided program helping you learn, understand, and apply all of your new SEO knowledge with 1-on1 guidance the entire way!

Get started

How to get

Pricing & Service Details

Simply click on whichever service or program you're interested in. There you'll find investment information as well as everything you'll receive when working together!

The 7-day

SEO Jumpstart

Let me take some of the SEO work off your hands! In just one week, I'll take care of fixing technical issues (heading tags, heading structure, page titles, page meta descriptions, and broken links) while I'm performing your audit!

* This service is only available to Technical Audit, Audit Bundle, and Mentorship clients!

Accelerated Done-for-You SEO Setup!

Ready to save time & stress?
sign up for an audit today!
(options below)

A Client-only exclusive

Website Technical Audits

Building a solid SEO foundation

A technical website audit focuses on the backend setup of your website. We want to make sure that you're sending the right signals to Google so that you can show up for the best keywords.

Fix your SEO setup!

click for details >

Content Audits

 Where strategy meets SEO

A content audit focuses on creating content that generates valuable traffic to your website. Learn how to target your ideal client at the right time while standing out from your competition.

Bring in more leads!

click for details >

The Audit Bundle

Understand your full SEO potential

This powerful Website Technical & Content SEO Audit Bundle gives you a detailed, big picture view of how your SEO is setup and what you can do right now to grow your presence and authority on Google!

Heck yes, I'm all in!

Instant Savings + More 1-on-1 Time + 3 BIG Bonuses!

5 Custom Content ideas

SEO metrics
& progress tracker

Content repurposing checklist

click for details >

The SEO Mentorship Program

Step-by-step Guidance for THOSE SERIOUS ABOUT THEIR seo

This is my custom, personalized version of SEO mentorship!

Not only will you learn the basics of SEO, but you'll also get to see how everything you just learned applies SPECIFICALLY to YOUR OWN WEBSITE, knowing that you've got an expert helping you every step of that way.

SEO BASICS course + BOTH Audits + two video calls

Join the 1-on-1 seo program!

click for details >

Let me be your nerdy tourguide on this seo journey!

Wait. Hold up a sec.

I need you to really break SEO down for me...

If your learning style is anything like mine, concepts don't usually *CLICK * for me until I see them in action in a real-life situation.

"Why don't you explain this to me like i'm five."
- Michael Scott, The Office

Remember when Oscar tried to explain what a surplus was to michael, comparing it to a kid's lemonade stand?

Pairing the SEO Basics Course with the Full Audit Bundle let's you follow along with me via video as I apply aaaaallll of those SEO concepts page-by-page to YOUR OWN WEBSITE!


you may still have questions...

Can you optimize my website for me? I'm looking to save time and get my SEO in place sooner!

Looking to shorten that post-audit checklist I give you and get to better SEO even FASTER?! You're in luck-- I currently offer a Done-for-You SEO Optimization service called the SEO Jumpstart! I'll take care of fixing the technical issues as I find them and provide you a list of what I change along the way.

*This is only available as an add-on when investing in the Technical Audit, the Technical + Content Audits Bundle, or the SEO Mentorship Program.

The reason why I only offer this as an add-on service is because I truly believe all website owner's should have a basic understanding of SEO! <3

How soon before I start seeing results? I'm ready for more inquiries now!

To quote one of the most popular phrases in the world of SEO, "It depends."

On average, you should begin to see results around 4-8 months after you make these technical changes and implement a content strategy. Depending on your competition, there are instances when making a few simple adjustments to your website can dramatically improve your ranking FAST!

Another huge factor to SEO success is the effort that you put into it. The more time and intentionality you put into SEO, the more love Google will show you in return.

How many pages/posts will you review during one/both of the audits?

During an audit, I want to focus on the most important pages on your website. Typically, this includes the pages linked at the top of your site in the navigation bar as well as a few of your highest traffic-bringing blog posts.

To keep the scope of work equal for all of my clients, I do have a limit of 7 pages/posts in total included in your audit. This amount should be enough to cover your main pages as well as 1-2 blog posts.

If you'd like me to audit additional pages/posts, just let me know and I can customize the length of your audit!

Will I get what I need from just purchasing the SEO Basics Course? How do I know if I should do the audit, too?

One of my past clients said it best: "So if SEO were a foreign language, I could say 'Hello,' 'Goodbye,' and 'Thank You.' But I can't really carry on a conversation."

If you're just dipping your toes into the language and world of SEO, the course teaches you the main building blocks of SEO-- the technical aspects as well as an intro into content marketing.

On the other hand, if you're really familiar with SEO language and navigating through SEO  settings in Showit, understand heading structure paired with keyword research, and are comfortable using Google Search Console, you might not need to go through the course. Then I'd recommend that you sign up for a detailed Audit of your site!

Do you offer payment plans?

Absolutely. I know that this is a big investment for you and your business. And I also know how much of an amazing impact in can make to your success and growth. I don't want you to miss out on that opportunity!

Your final payment will be due 2 weeks prior to our video call together. That is also when you will receive all of your audit resources and any other bonuses you've purchased, as well. 

So if you need to delay your final payment, simply choose a later date when scheduling your video call. Easy peasy.

Can you guarantee that I'll show up on Page 1?

No one-- I repeat-- NO ONE can guarantee that you'll show up on the first page of Google. If a company tries to make promises like this to you, take your money and run! 

But in all seriousness, I can't guarantee you a Page 1 ranking. What I CAN promise you is that if you complete the course, have a good understanding of SEO, act on the recommendations I give you in your audit, and put the necessary time and work into creating helpful, purposeful content on your website-- you WILL improve your ranking and you WILL increase your traffic from Google.

More traffic means more potential clients and (hopefully) bookings!

How it Works

The Process


Review my service options and see which one is the best fit for you. Then send me a message via my contact form so we can get started! Think you might need something a little more custom? Reach out and we'll create a custom SEO package that's exactly what you need!

Reach Out


During our Discovery Call together, we'll chat about your SEO goals as well as what my availability looks like. We'll tentatively pick out dates for our 1:1 video call(s) together, too.

the Discovery call


Once we've finalized which SEO route is best for you, I'll send over a booking proposal. After you've signed and paid, we'll start the onboarding process. If you purchased the course(s), you'll get access to all of those educational resources within 48 hours.

Make it official


These quick questions will tell me more about your business, your specific SEO goals, as well as who you think you're competing against in your niche. This is when I'll also make sure you've got a few key analytical tools setup and request temporary access to those tools. 



Now that you've finished your homework, it's time for me to get to work! I'll begin the audit process, digging in to the real nitty gritty of your website's SEO.

You will receive everything from me BEFORE your scheduled post-audit video call. This is so that you can review the information beforehand and have specific questions ready to go!

For a Website Technical Audit, you will receive your audit results back within 2 weeks. A Content Audit is a bit more nuanced; I usually estimate about 3-4 weeks for you to receive your audit feedback from me.

Time to get to work!

Demystify S-E-O

Make this your best year yet!

Reach Out today