The SEO Audit Bundle


This Website & Content Audit bundle leaves nothing out! Technical SEO settings? Covered. Intentional content strategy? Got it. If you want clear steps on how to make big improvements, this bundle is for you!

The Breakdown

hours of feedback to follow along with


number of videos to watch and review


increase in site visitors in the first 3 months alone

on average

You Can Expect

Did someone say bonuses?

Let's give you even more ways to succeed.
In addition to your full audit bundle, you'll also get:

Bonus one

5 Custom Content Ideas

Kick off your new content strategy with a bang! No blinking cursor for you! I'll provide you with 5 custom content ideas to get you found online by potential clients searching online.

Bonus two

SEO Metrics & Progress Tracker

Those data charts don't mean anything if you don't know what you're looking at! Learn exactly what metrics to review each month so that you know what to work on.

Bonus three

The Repurposing Checklist

Make that unique & helpful content you're creating work overtime for you! See how you can use one blog post to show up on multiple platforms in dozens of different posts!

Plus a pretty sweet bundle discount...

I'll Review All of these Technical & Content SEO Elements

This powerful Technical and Content SEO Audit Bundle gives you a detailed, big picture view of how your SEO is setup and what you can do right now to grow your presence and authority on Google!

The SEO Audit Bundle includes: 

  • Heading tags and page structure review
  • Page title formatting
  • Length of meta descriptions for selected pages
  • URL formats on each of these pages
  • Page Speed performance check (focused on image sizing)
  • Alt text in images + image file naming optimization
  • Google Search Console errors
  • Sitemap indexing if needed
  • Broken links review
  • Inspection of Keywords used in important headings and page titles
  • Keyword research example using YOUR chosen tool
  • Check for intentional Call-to-Action prompts
  • How to use the "People Also Ask" SERP feature for guidance
  • Internal linking opportunities
  • Competitive Research example to gather content ideas
  • Competitive Research example to create a backlink profile
  • Evaluate site for irrelevant content that could be hurting your rankings
  • Keyword Cannibalization: how to find them + results review

Client Reviews

"I'm SO GRATEFUL for Christy. 4 months after working together, I was on Page One!"

 Christy has the heart of a teacher and she LOVES seeing her students succeed. She never made me feel clueless (even though I sure felt like it sometimes).  I am SO GRATEFUL for Christy. 4 months after working together, I was on Page ONE! She walked me through things that I got confused about, teaching as she went.  Not only do you get a trusted creative (she's been in the trenches), but you also get a friend who cheers you on from the sidelines!

- Neely, senior photographer

"...Save yourself the time and headache and hire Christy! I'm already seeing a change!"

Christy is worth every penny!
Her audit on my website was so incredibly thorough and detailed. SEO boggles my mind, but she made it easy to understand how it all works and how to optimize my website and content. If you want to improve your SEO and have no idea where to start, save yourself the time and headache and hire Christy! I am already seeing a change in my ranking since working with her!

- Carianne, wedding photographer

"She was very hands on and did the back end work that made it so easy for me!"

I had a fantastic experience working with Christy on the SEO for my website. I was hesitant at first to make such a big investment, but it has so paid off. Christy was so patient and understanding with me and really helped explain all the ins and outs of SEO and the benefits of putting her plans in place. She was very hands on and did the back end work that made it so easy for me! Her videos with step by step guidance and instructions were amazing. I have already gone up several spots on Google search and I owe it to Christy.

- Shawn, portrait photographer

How We Improve Your SEO as a Whole

what it looks like to work together

Step One: Let's talk future.

We'll chat via Google Meet about your specific SEO goals.

Jumping into the SEO world can be a little scary. I get it! This first call together is all about understanding how your website is currently set up, what sort of content you’ve written, and what you want to achieve from this in-depth audit. Together, we’ll craft a complete SEO strategy to get you well on your way to hitting those next big goals.

Step Two: Time to get to work.

After a few account setups, I'll perform & film your mega audit.

Once I have access to your website platform and analytics, the real fun can begin! I'll take you step-by-step through my perfected 50+ point checklist. You'll be able to watch me as I work through things like correct SEO settings, keyword research,  competitive analysis, getting content ideas, and tracking your future SEO progress.

Step Three: Resource Delivery

You'll get a private video playlist and detailed notes within 3 weeks!

Once I've finished combing through the pages selected for your audit, I'll upload all of your video recordings to a private online playlist. You'll be able to access your videos from your phone, computer, or even your TV! Be prepared to receive 6-7 hours of video content along with my notes from this giant SEO Audit Bundle... Nothing is left out here!

Step Four: Ask me anything.

Once you've watched your videos, you'll get to ask me your questions!

The last thing I want to do is to give you all that SEO feedback & knowledge and then leave ya hangin'! So within one to two weeks of receiving your videos, we'll have an extended 90-minutes call together. During the call, you can ask me any questions that came to mind as you watched your full website and content audit reviews!

Who is the SEO Audit Bundle For?

You want...

to clean up your website's SEO and content strategy from every angle

You struggle to...

bring in a steady stream of inquiries to meet your business goals

You have...

a website that's ready to help your ideal client fall in love with you

The SEO Audit Bundle

Great optimization. Helpful content. A website that's ready to bring you business.

+ One Discovery Call prior to Audit to craft your SEO strategy
+ Video screen recordings of entire audit (avg. of 24 videos, 6-7 hrs)
+ Personalized PDF containing all Audit notes
+ Screenshots of main keyword research performed
+ Delivery of all resources within 3 weeks
+ BONUS! Extended 90-mins call after Audit to review questions
+ BONUS! 5 custom content ideas
+ BONUS! SEO metrics & progress tracking spreadsheet with tutorial
+ BONUS! Content Repurposing Checklist

What's Included :



* Payment plans are available. A retainer will reserve a space for you on my calendar. Must be paid in full for audits to be performed.

Are you ready to finally take charge of your SEO this year?

book your audits now!

Meet your SEO coach

I'm Christy - SEO specialist for creative business owners.

After paying for a professional, expensive website redesign that made false SEO promises AND moving my wedding photography business clear across the country... I quickly (and painfully) realized the importance of SEO.

I then decided to tackle SEO head-on and, in the end, I found a new passion and challenge that I absolutely love.

Now I'm passing on everything I've learned (and continue to learn) about SEO to help my fellow entrepreneurs make their business dreams a reality by increasing their visibility with online search.

Christy has been featured in


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