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Hey there and welcome to my SEO blog! This is where I share my favorite SEO tips and resources-- with the hope of eliminating the stress and confusion that can pop up while navigating the world of Search Engine Optimization. It's time for you to finally take charge of your own SEO and start showing up online!


technical seo tips

Content creation

seo tools & tutorials

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Should your Page Title and H1 Be the Same?

If you know that your main keyword should show up in both places, you might be wondering: should your Page Title and H1 be the same then?

should your page title and H1 be the same or different on a page for SEO

SEO tips, Technical SEO

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Image Optimization for SEO: Alt Text and File Names

Following image optimization best practices is a commonly ignored SEO step. Learn how to write Alt Text and File Names for stronger SEO.

image optimization guide for SEO explaining how to write Alt Text and Image File Names

SEO tips, Technical SEO

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Are you an SEO beginner looking for a place to start?

Download your Free Guide:

SEO can be very overwhelming in the beginning. But don't let that hold you back from growing your business with Google! This free step-by-step guide walks you through the first 4 steps anyone should take when starting to work on their Search Engine Optimization.

How to Start with SEO

Are you an SEO beginner looking for a place to start?

Download your Free Guide:

SEO can be very overwhelming in the beginning. But don't let that hold you back from growing your business with Google! This free step-by-step guide walks you through the first 4 steps anyone should take when starting to work on their Search Engine Optimization.

How to Start with SEO